Transcribing and translating a Dutch manuscript

Sum awarded: £4,492

The vast collections of the National Archive include state papers, official records compiled by the state. Amongst those are hidden gems waiting for researchers to fully explore them. SP 9/99 is one such example. It is a 23-page manuscript prepared in the 17th century by a Dutch engineer. The survey is a survey of 22 castles and forts. It is written in Dutch and in a hard to read hand.

The Trust is funding a project by Dr. Esther Raamsdonk to transcribe part of the manuscript and translate it. The sample will cover fives sites, including Dover Castle, Walmer Castle, and Deal. The latter two are Tudor artillery castles built on Henry VIII’s orders. The manuscript offers a valuable insight into the state of these places before the English Civil War later in the 17th century. Paul Pattison of English Heritage will lend his expert on warfare and fortification to the project.

Image 1: Manuscript image courtesy of The National Archives
Image 2: © Nilfanion, licensed CC-BY-SA 4.0