Dating medieval towers in the hinterland of Medieval Chalkida, Greece

Sum awarded: £6,406

Stand-alone medieval towers, often part of castles or larger fortifications, are common in Central Greece. Often thought to have been built by the Frankish nobility during their period of dominance between 1204-1470, there is minimal evidence to back this up. By taking wood and mortar samples, the project aims to answer that question.

The present project forms part of the five-year survey ‘Beyond Chalkida: Landscape and Socio-Economic Transformations of its Hinterland from Byzantine to Ottoman times’ (authorised in July 2021 by the Greek State)

Samples will be taken from six towers of wood used laterally within tower walls to increase their structural strength, and mortar from within the core of the walls (both therefore probably contemporaneous to the original period of construction). Specialists will use dendrochronological and Carbon 14 methodology for the wood (8 samples), and optical microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and diffraction (XRD) Spectroscopy (mortar - 21 samples).

Images: Andrew Blackler
Image 2: Andrew Blackler

REPORT Wood and mortar sampling of medieval towers - rev May 2024 (3.9MB Word)